How To Videos

How to Start or End a Class?

STARTING A CLASSSTEP 1. Visit TESDA website or open 2. In the dashboard homepage, click "Start A Class" button. A list of upcoming classes will show.STEP 3. Choose a class from
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How to Register for NTTC Holders?

STEP 1. Login to your email account and open the email sent by the system. STEP 2. Click "Complete Registration" button. This will redirect you to BSRS website.STEP 3. Verify your account by
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How to Enroll to a Program?

There are 2 ways to enroll to a program:OPTION 1: by RegistrationSTEP 1. Visit TESDA website or open 2: During the enrollment process, in the Program Offerings section, use the
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How to Approve and Disapprove an Enrollment?

STEP 1. Visit TESDA website or open and login using your School Admin account.STEP 2. In the dashboard, look for the "Enrolled Scholars" tab in the left navigation panel. This will
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How to Evaluate Risk Profile?

APPROVE PROFILESSTEP 1. Visit TESDA website or open 2. Choose login and you will receive an OTP to login to your account.STEP 3. Inside the dashboard, go to the left navigation
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